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Value Proposition

Veteran Mobility delivers adaptable mobility devices that increases the quality of life for disabled Veterans. Moving around, engaging members of society, and establishing social ties are the benefits that the organization presents to disabled Veterans. In the United States, more than 250,000 Veterans use wheelchairs, most of which are covered by Veteran Affairs (Dicianno et al., 2018). However, they still get regular wheelchairs which might be challenging to use in some areas. The organization brings in the solution of scooters, electric golf carts, and electric wheelchairs to ensure that Veterans can increase their mobility. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2022), 4.9 million Veterans, or 27% of all Veterans, had a service-connected disability in 2021. The unemployment rate for Veterans with a service-connected disability was 3.4% in August 2021. Among the disabled Veterans, 21% had a disability rating of less than 30%, while 47% had a rating of 60% and higher. Veteran Mobility will provide advanced mobile devices that will make it possible and efficient for Veterans to secure employment opportunities because have the means to sustain mobility. ​A report shared by Ruiz et al. (2022) reveals that Veterans are more likely to commit suicide than the general American population. Even though Veterans represent less than 1% of the United States population, 14% of the suicide cases come from Veterans (Ruiz et al., 2022). One of the reasons is that only 47% are enrolled in the Veterans Affairs. The uncovered percentage can barely afford quality health care services and mobility devices. As a result, they become depressed because they cannot move around to engage in social activities. Hooper and Hardey (2022) assert that in 2017, there were more than 4.8 million Veterans with substance disorders, and the risk of committing suicide was twice that of Veterans who do not use illegal drugs. One of the reasons why Veterans are exposed to suicide risks is that they do not have a reason to live, especially if they do not have access to the resources and equipment they need to live a normal life. Also, the lack of physical activities exposes them to muscle atrophy. In a report released by Ramchand (2021), in 2018, 6,435 veterans died by suicide, and the main reason was depression due to a deteriorated quality of life, especially among the disabled. The lack of mobility equipment has disrupted the lives of many Veterans, forcing them into depression and later suicide. With the support of our organization, it will be possible for Veterans to have the means to increase their mobility and physical activities. 

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